搜索 Primorata

  • 青春期的男生除了要用功读书,更要热衷研究「健康教育」。15岁的查拉德(永思.翁帕尼浓 饰)和欧阳(塔纳瑟.苏里雅彭查坤 饰)、欧比(基拉奇.王斯朋 饰)三个无话不谈的好基友,天天一起上下课、烦恼着撩妹小事、分享磁盘里的女神、思念着春天的到来。偶然机缘下,查拉拉目睹心仪女孩樱桃与人气学长潭接吻,为夺樱桃芳心,查拉拉筹划着击败…
  • Nanthisa, the dashing girl of the company, she is the head of personal department and is the person whose should see other to follow the company's rules but she was the one who always break it. She come to work late everyday because her house is faraway from the company and she has to wait for the permission from hers …