搜索 Henriksen

  •   Deborah Fielding 决心不惜一切代价揭露深藏于Edgewater精神病院的黑暗,即使以她的生命为代价。在一系列怪异的事件中,这位新手新闻记者开启了一个“潘多拉魔盒”。她开始困惑了,她意识到当局和魔鬼就在自己身边,她发现她那表面上看起来完美的生活只不过是一个美丽的谎言......
  • 魔鬼特区HD
  • In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea
  • 在边境HD
    A father and his two teenage sons travel to a small mountain cabin for a male bonding adventure. When a lost tourist arrives at the cabin, their male-bonding outing turns into a struggle for survival.
  • 飞天绝盗HD
  • Inthenearfuture,NorwayisoccupiedbyRussiaonbehalfoftheEuropeanUnion,duetothefactthatthenewlyelectedenvironmentalfriendlyNorwegiangovernmenthasstoppedtheallimportantoil-andgas-productionintheNorthSea
  • 霍莉(Holly)是一名14岁的女孩,刚刚写了一篇上学的作文,其中详细介绍了其继父的暴力行为。她声称她和她的兄弟受到暴力行为的严重影响。 Holly的学校对此进行了报告,该报告最终被送到社会工作者Lars Madsen的桌子上。在与受惊的冬青会面时,他迅速决定必须采取行动。在接下来的几个小时内,他将Holly和她的弟弟Theo安置在寄养家庭中。 …
  • 根据同名哲学畅销小说《苏菲的世界》改编。   14岁的少女苏菲(Silje Storstein 饰)一天放学后在邮箱里发现一封神秘来信,上面简短地写了三个字:你是谁?苏菲陷入思考。第二天她又收到第二封信,这次的问题是:世界从哪儿来?一直过着普通平凡人生的苏菲开始认真思考这些在学校从来得不到解答的问题。 
  • 山中魔怪HD
    A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of bank robbers with a beautiful hostage, local cops, and a monster that has come down from the Arizona mountains to eat human flesh. Written by Sci-Fi Channel   A group of thieves heist the bank of a small town and shoot a deputy. While esc…
  • 多年的神秘瘟疫摧毁了地球,并把大部分人类变成了没有血吃不饱的动物,在一个废弃的警察局对面,幸存者被追捕,一个流氓同意尽力帮助他们,他们将如何逃出生天......多年的神秘瘟疫摧毁了地球,并把大部分人类变成了没有血吃不饱的动物,在一个废弃的警察局对面,幸存者被追捕,一个流氓同意尽力帮助他们,他们将如何逃出生天......