搜索 Ferris

  • 本剧基于一个真实的CIA项目,在该项目中,女性被训练来渗透恐怖组织和犯罪网络。故事讲述Cruz Manuelos,一名经验不足但充满热情的海军陆战队士兵,她被CIA招募加入了「母狮」战斗小队,试图从内部瓦解一个恐怖组织。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Joe是一位意志坚强、不屈不挠的…
  • 最远的地方HD
  • 名利浮云国语HD
      U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a  suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple's  estranged and heavily in debt son, who  also just happens to be a Navy munitions  exp…
  • 名利浮云HD
    U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple's estranged and heavily in debt son, who also just happens to be a Navy munitions expert. But investigations reveal that he is on the run from a past event in his life that is associated with …
  • 北美房车赛的后勤团队老板决定退位,将大权交给女儿执掌。面对力图打造现代化团队的新老板,凯文·詹姆斯饰演的队长能够抵挡新世代的冲击,保住自己和团队的江山吗?
  • 最远的地方-纪录片HD
    Is it humankind's greatest achievement? 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space. It is the first human-made object ever to do so. Slowly dying within its heart is a plutonium generator that will beat for perhaps another decade before the lights on Voyager f…
  • 一个猫和老鼠的,当一辆载有当地罪犯崩溃一个僻静的山家属于艾米附近的致命游戏,一个盲人青少年。最糟糕的部分?铅浓度,罗伊,决定隐藏在艾米的小屋,在她的鼻子。现在轮到艾米来找出到底发生了什么,停止这疯子在她之前的时间耗尽!一个猫和老鼠的,当一辆载有当地罪犯崩溃一个僻静的山家属于艾米附近的致命游戏,一个盲人青少年。最糟糕的部…
  • 本片是由JeremyIrons主演的一部歌舞喜剧。本片是由JeremyIrons主演的一部歌舞喜剧。